open call 24 - FilmDak brainstorming session, including brunch- Friday 6 Sept

After three years of hosting six artists in the garden, TOT focuses on its indoor attic and developing the FilmDak program, holding its first public event focusing on films made in Rotterdam during the GRAW weekend 21-22 September 2024.


FilmDak is a rendezvous platform and club for film, video art, and moving image makers hosted by TOT. It has a large workshop space with a 4k beamer, a meeting area, and a reception bar.

Crucially, FilmDak is more than just a physical space; it is a community-building initiative offering lens-based artists a space to share work in progress, receive feedback, organize workshops, artist talks, and other ideas with each other; a place for makers that need space, collaboration, or connections during their creative process.

In its nascent stages, the emphasis is on gradual growth, intending to discover the needs of the community and refine the offerings accordingly.

Join us on the 6th for our first brainstorming session, including brunch 11:30 start - 13:30. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the possible scenarios the club can take after the launch. Including short introductions, specifically stating who and where each other is in their practice and how/why the open call sparked your attention. Let us know if you plan on joining us.


Salvador Miranda is a Mexican-Canadian filmmaker, artist, and producer. His debut short film This is my land...(2019) premiered at IFFR. His film installation Life Eternal (2022) premiered at Kasseler Dokfest and was nominated for the Golden Cube Prize. His latest documentary short Promised Land (2023) premiered at IFFR. Alongside international screenings, his films are often shown in gallery and art festival settings including Ruhrtriennale, Eye Filmmuseum, Garage (Rotterdam), and IMPAKT Festival. He is an alumnus of the Kunstinstituut Parallel Curriculum programme. He holds an MFA cum laude in Lens-Based Media from the Piet Zwart Institute.

Leslie Robbins, artist and facilitator, (TOT)

Membership of the club 'filmdak' is €30,- annually incl. BTW (with a trial period of 2 months), interested in hearing more about FilmDak mail us at, filmdak(at)



To glimpse at past events and open calls 2020-2023 check out:  TOTs' YouTube channel.
Alongside TOT-initiated projects, we are open to programming ideas for projects, presentations, and events.